Megs wrote about this bag a bit ago, but I couldn’t help but cover it as well. So, earlier today I wrote about the Yves Saint Laurent Yes Large Leather Tote. While writing about this tote, I expressed my concern for its Replica Handbags Outlet. Well, the same concern has popped up with this Fendi bag.
Ok, first and foremost, I like seeing a Fendi bag that hasn’t been covered with its logo. I’m over logos. So realizing the bag up for discussion is a Fenid AND you can’t really tell unless you look around the handles makes the bag discussion worthy – at least in my book. This is hands down a really cute shopper but my jaw dropped when I saw the price tag attached. How much would you think this bag was going to cost the Cheap Handbags? I really didn’t think the Fendi Twins Woven Raffia Shopper would be more than $1000. Low and behold, it was more than double my guesstimation. This really broke my heart because, frankly, I really wanted it for the upcoming Spring and Summer months.
This sand glazed woven raffia shopper has two black leather top handles and light gold-tone hardware. As previously mentioned, there are designer-embossed details at the handles and whether you would use it or not, a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap. As you’ve heard me say before, I am so glad a large shopper like this has some sort of fastening at the top, in this case, magnetic. How cute would you look carrying this bag to a farmer’s market, to the park, to the library, shopping and maybe even to the pool? The answer: super cute. I just can’t believe how much you’d need to throw down for it.